
[GA4] Conversions report

The Conversions report is a pre-made detail report that shows how often users triggered each conversion event and how many users triggered each conversion event.

What is a conversion event?

A conversion event is an event that you mark as a conversion because the event measures an action that's important to the success of your business. When someone triggers the event by performing the action, a conversion is recorded in Google Analytics and surfaced in your reports.

If you're already collecting an event that doesn't quite measure what you want to measure as a conversion, you can create or modify events in Google Analytics and then mark the events as conversions.

You can use DebugView to verify that you are collecting the event and that Google Analytics is treating the event as a conversion. While non-conversion events are marked in blue with a click icon, conversion events are marked in green with a flag icon in DebugView.

View the report

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. From the left menu, select Reports Reports.
  3. On the left, click Engagement > Conversions.

Don't see the report? If you don't see the report on the left, the report may have been removed or the report isn't included in your default set of reports. If you're an editor or administrator, you can add the report to the left navigation. Learn how to add the report

Dimensions in the report

The report includes the following dimensions. If you are an Editor or Administrator, you can add or remove dimensions in the report.

Metric What it is How it's populated
Event name The name of an event. For example, if someone triggers a purchase event, the text 'purchase' populates the dimension. This metric is populated automatically.

Metrics in the report

The report includes the following metrics. If you are an Editor or Administrator, you can add or remove metrics in the report.

Metric What it is How it's populated
Conversions The number of times users triggered a conversion event. Populate this metric by marking an event as a conversion.
Total revenue

The total revenue from purchases, in-app purchases, subscriptions, and ad revenue.

Total revenue = purchases + in-app purchases + subscriptions + ad revenue

Note: Only events about purchases, in-app purchases, subscriptions, and ad revenue can have total revenue. If you want to see the value assigned to other events, see the "Event value" metric instead.

When setting up the purchase event, make sure you provide values for both the value and currency parameters. Otherwise, you won't see purchase data for the Total revenue metric.

This metric is the sum of the purchase, in_app_purchase, app_store_subscription_renew, and app_store_subscription_convert events, as well as ad revenue, which is populated via the Google AdMob integration, Google Ad Manager integration, or by sending the ad_impression event from a third-party integration.

Total users

The number of unique user IDs that triggered any events.

The metric allows you to measure the number of unique users who logged an event.

This metric is populated automatically.

Frequently asked questions

How does Google Analytics attribute credit to different conversion paths?

If you want to learn more about your conversions, such as your customers' paths to conversion and how different attribution models distribute credit to each touchpoint along the customers' paths, see the Conversion paths report.

What attribution model does Analytics apply to my conversions?

Google Analytics uses the data-driven attribution model by default. The data-driven attribution model distributes credit for a conversion based on data for each conversion event. Each model is specific to you and your conversion events. You can change your attribution settings in Attribution Settings on the Admin page. Learn more

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